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La plantilla {{convert}} calcula mesures d'una unitat (a entrar) a un altre, i després es presenten els resultats. Per exemple:

{{convert|2|km|mi}} → 2 quilometres (1,2 mi)
{{convert|7|mi|km}} → 7 milles (11 km)

Les unitats disponibles s'enumeren més avall. En els noms de les unitats es té en compte sempre si són majúscules i minúscules (kW, no KW i no kw). Múltiples opcions de formatatge i de càlcul s'enumeren a continuació.

Vegeu també en:Help:Convert per a informació més completa

Nom de la unitat o símbol (abreviatura): 1 lliura o 1 lb?

[modifica el codi]

By default, the first value shows unit name, the second the symbol (or abbreviation). Use |abbr=on/off to change this behaviour:

{{convert|1|lb|kg}} → 1 lliura (0,45 kg) (To compare; default: first value shows unit name)
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=on}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=off}} → 1 lliura (0,45 quilograms)
  • |abbr=in toggles the default behaviour (|abbr=out):
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=in}} → 1 lb (0,45 quilograms)

Adjectiu: a una distància de 10 milles

[modifica el codi]

Use |adj=on to produce the adjective form. The difference:

{{convert|10|mi|km}} to go → 10 milles (16 km) to go. (To compare, default)
A {{convert|10|mi|km|adj=on}} distance → A 10-milla (16 km) distance. (Adjective form)

Arrodoniment: 100 peus són 30 metres o 30,5 m o 30,48 m?

[modifica el codi]

By definition, 100 ft equals 30,48 m. In practical use, it is common to round the calculated metric number. With that, there are several possibilities.

Arrodoniment per defecte

[modifica el codi]
By default, the conversion result will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value (the number of digits after the decimal point—or the negative of the number of non-significant zeroes before the point—is increased by one if the conversion is a multiplication by a number between 0.02 and 0.2, remains the same if the factor is between 0.2 and 2, is decreased by 1 if it is between 2 and 20, and so on) or to two significant figures, whichever is more precise. An exception to this is rounding temperatures (see below).
Exemples d'arrodoniment
Input Displays as Note
{{convert|123|ft|m|-1}} 123 peus (40 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|0}} 123 peus (37 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|1}} 123 peus (37,5 m)
{{convert|550|ft|m|0}} 550 peus (168 m) Approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|550|ft|m}} 550 peus (170 m) Rounds to 170, when approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} 500 peus (152 m) Approximate value is 152.4 m
{{convert|500|ft|m}} 500 peus (150 m) Rounds to 150, when approximate value is 152.4 m

Convert supports four types of rounding:

Arrodoniment a una precisió donada: ús de |precision=

[modifica el codi]

Specify the desired precision with the fourth unnamed parameter (or third unnamed parameter if the "convert to" parameter is omitted; or fifth unnamed parameter if a range is specified; or fourth unnamed parameter again if a range is specified and the "convert to" parameter is omitted; needs to be replaced with a "precision" named parameter). The conversion is rounded off to the nearest power of 110 this number. For instance, if the result is 8621 and the round number is "-2", the result will be 8600. If the result is "234.0283043" and the round number is "0", the result will be 234.

Arrodoniment a un determinat nombre de xifres significatives: |sigfig=

[modifica el codi]

To specify the output number to be with n significant figures use |sigfig=<number>:

  • To compare: {{convert|1200|ft|m}} → 1.200 peus (370 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=4}} → 1.200 peus (365,8 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=3}} → 1.200 peus (366 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=2}} → 1.200 peus (370 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=1}} → 1.200 peus (400 m)

Setting |sigfig= is meaningless

  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=0}} → 1.200 peus (370 m)

Arrodoniment a un múltiple de 5: 15, 20, 25, ...

[modifica el codi]

Using |round=5 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 5.

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (33 ft)
{{convert|10|m|ft|round=5}} → 10 metres (35 ft)

Similar: using |round=25 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 25.

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (33 ft)
{{convert|10|m|ft|round=25}} → 10 metres (25 ft)
To compare: {{convert|10|m|ft|sigfig=4}} → 10 metres (32,81 ft)

In a range, one can round each value individually to the default. Use |round=each:

{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft}} → 10 per 200 per 3.000 metres (33 × 656 × 9.843 ft)
{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft|round=each}} → 10 per 200 per 3.000 metres (33 × 660 × 9.800 ft)

Arrodoniment a un múltiple d'una fracció donada: 2 316 polzades

[modifica el codi]

Specify the desired denominator using |frac=<some positive integer>. (Denominador is the below-the-slash number, for example the 3 in 13).

{{convert|5,56|cm|in|frac=16}} → 5,56 centimetres (2 316 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=4}} → 8 centimetres (3 14 in)

The fraction is reduced when possible:

{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=100}} → 8 centimetres (3 320 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in}} → 8 centimetres (3,150 in) (To compare)

Arrodonint les temperatures °C, °F i K

[modifica el codi]

In temperatures, the conversion will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value or to that which would give three significant figures when expressed in kelvins, whichever is more precise.

{{convert|10|C|F K}} → 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K)


Per a una diferència de temperatura, com la conversió "Un augment de 10 °C", utilitzeu |C-change=10 &tc.
{{convert|10|C-change|F-change K-change}} → Un augment de 10 °C (18 °F; 10 K)

En diverses unitats: 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K)

[modifica el codi]

Separate the multiple output units by a space:

{{convert|10|C|F K}} → 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K)
{{convert|5|km|mi nmi}} → 5 quilometres (3,1 mi; 2,7 nmi)

If the output unit names contain spaces, use a '+' separator.

See also

For multiple-unit options like 1 ft 5 in, vegeu #En l'entrada and #En la sortida.

Rangs de valors

[modifica el codi]

Un marge: 6 a 17 kg (13 a 37 lb)

[modifica el codi]

Range indicators are entered as the second parameter (between the values). Range separators can be:

Range separators in {{convert}}
Separator Convert Result Notes
- {{convert|3|-|6|ft}} 3–6 peus (0,91–1,83 m) Input can be hyphen (-) or en dash (–), output uses en dashes
 &ndash;(en dash) {{convert|3|–|6|ft}} 3–6 peus (0,91–1,83 m)
and {{convert|3|and|6|ft}} 3 i 6 peus (0,91 i 1,83 m)
& {{convert|3|&|6|ft}} 3 i 6 peus (0,91 i 1,83 m) Same as and
and(-) {{convert|3|and(-)|6|ft}} 3 i 6 peus (0,91–1,83 m) |abbr=on alters the punctuation
and(-)|abbr=on {{convert|3|and(-)|6|ft|abbr=on}} 3 i 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m)
or {{convert|3|or|6|ft}} 3 o 6 peus (0,91 o 1,83 m)
to {{convert|3|to|6|ft}} 3 a 6 peus (0,91 a 1,83 m)
to(-) {{convert|3|to(-)|6|ft}} 3 a 6 peus (0,91–1,83 m) |abbr=on alters the punctuation
to(-)|abbr=on {{convert|3|to(-)|6|ft|abbr=on}} 3 a 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m)
to about {{convert|3|to about|6|ft}} 3 a aprox. 6 peus (0,91 a aprox. 1,83 m)
+/- {{convert|3|+/-|6|ft}} 3 ± 6 peus (0,91 ± 1,83 m)
± &plusmn; {{convert|3|±|6|ft}} 3 ± 6 peus (0,91 ± 1,83 m)
+ {{convert|3|+|6|ft}} 3 + 6 peus (0,91 + 1,83 m)
, {{convert|3|,|6|ft}} 3, 6 peus (0,91, 1,83 m)
, and {{convert|3|, and|6|ft}} 3, i 6 peus (0,91, i 1,83 m)
, or {{convert|3|, or|6|ft}} 3, o 6 peus (0,91, o 1,83 m)
by {{convert|3|by|6|ft}} 3 per 6 peus (0,91 per 1,83 m)
x {{convert|3|x|6|ft}} 3 per 6 peus (0,91 × 1,83 m) Scientific notation.
|abbr=on alters the punctuation
× &times; {{convert|3|×|6|ft}} 3 per 6 peus (0,91 × 1,83 m)
x|abbr=on {{convert|3|x|6|ft|abbr=on}} 3 × 6 ft (0,91 × 1,83 m)
xx |xx| is deprecated. Use |x| instead
* |*| is deprecated. Use |x| instead
to- |to-| is deprecated. Use |to(-)| instead
& |&| is deprecated. Use |and| instead
abbr=mos |abbr=mos is deprecated. Use |x| or |by| instead

Múltiple dimensions: 6 × 12 m (20 × 39 ft)

[modifica el codi]
Use "by"
{{convert|6|by|12|ft|m}} → 6 per 12 peus (1,8 per 3,7 m)
Use "×" or ""x""
{{convert|6|x|12|m|ft}} → 6 per 12 metres (20 × 39 ft)

In science, the formal way is to set |x| and |abbr=on (keeping dimensions right, like in area = x km2):

{{convert|6|x|12|m|ft|abbr=on}} → 6 × 12 m (20 × 39 ft)

Sobre els peus, polzades en rangs i múltiples

[modifica el codi]

While it is possible to enter feet, inch in a simple conversion, this is not possible for ranges:

  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|mm}} → 1 peu 3 polzades (380 mm) (to compare)
  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|x|3|ft|5|in|mm}} → 1 peu 3 polzades ([convert: %s]%s)

Ortografia del nom de la unitat: metre del RU metre o d'EUA?

[modifica el codi]

Default spelling of units is en-UK. To show en-US spelling, use |sp=us:

{{convert|1|m|ft}} → 1 metre (3,3 ft)—default
{{convert|1|m|ft|sp=us}} → 1 metre (3,3 ft)

Els números en forma de paraules: deu milles

[modifica el codi]

To write a number in words, use |spell=in:

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=in}} → deu milles (16.000 m)

To spell out both in and out values, use |spell=on:

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on}} → deu milles (setze thousand metres)

To make first letter a capital, use |spell=In, |spell=On

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=In}} → Deu milles (16.000 m)
{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=On}} → Deu milles (setze thousand metres)

Remember that the spelling of the units (ft, m) is independently set by |abbr=. To the extreme:

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on|abbr=off|sp=us}} → deu milles (setze thousand metres)

Paraules addicionals: 4 acres plantats

[modifica el codi]
Incomplete section
{{convert|4|acre||adj=pre|planted}} → 4 planted acres (1,6 ha)

Paraules adjectiu addicionals: Un 10-peu-long corridor

[modifica el codi]
{{convert|4|ft|m|adj=mid|-long}} → 10-peu-long (3,0 m)

Plurals: 1 polzada, 2 polzades

[modifica el codi]

The unit symbol is singular always. Depending on the preceding number only, a unit name can be shown plural.

  • {{convert|1|metre}} → 1 metre (3 ft 3 in)
  • {{convert|2|metre}} → 2 metres (6 ft 7 in)
  • {{convert|2|metre|abbr=on}} → 2 m (6 ft 7 in)

Entering the unit spelled |foot| forces singular output "foot", whatever the number is.

  • {{convert|100|foot|abbr=off}} → 100 peus (30 metres)

Canvis extrems de l'estructura gramatical: Les 18-, 24- i 32-lliures (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons

[modifica el codi]

This example is from the article Fort McHenry:

The American defenders had 18-, 24- and 32-pounder (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons.

You can't get this sentence structure as a direct result of using {{convert}} and its options. However, you can get the correctly converted numbers and the grammatical structure you want to use by using {{convert}} plus three stages of editing, previewing and saving versions of the text you wish to change.

Stage 1: Enter the input numbers and units in {{convert}} as usual (this stage is just to get the calculated output):
  • had {{convert|18 |, |24 |, |32 |lb |kg |0 }} cannons
Get the converted data below by clicking Preview or Save:
→ had 18, 24, 32 lliures (8, 11, 15 kg) cannons
Stage 2: Change the resulting text from a {{convert|...}} template result to plain code by adding subst: to the template name (short for "substitution") :
  • had {{subst:convert|18 |, |24 |, |32 |lb |kg |0 }} cannons
Double-check this by clicking Preview. The preview will show the converted numbers are still correct:
→ had 18, 24, 32 pounds (8, 11, 15 kg) cannons
Then click Save.
Stage 3: Click Edit at the top of the article again, and then go to the text in the editing window. You'll see that the text is there in plain code. The template {{convert|...}} itself will have disappeared. You can change the text as needed. The substituted text and plain code in the editing window in this example would be:
had 18,&nbsp;24,&nbsp;32 pounds (8,&nbsp;11,&nbsp;15&nbsp;kg) cannons
You can edit this text as usual to add the grammatical features you wish. In this example, editing the above text to:
  • had 18-,_24-_and_32-pounder (8,&nbsp;11_and_15&nbsp;kg) cannons
And then saving your edit will show the following result in the article text:
→ "had 18-, 24- and 32-pounder (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons"

L'ús d'un prefix SI: gigàmetre (Gm), or micròmetre (μm)

[modifica el codi]
Prefixos del SI
Text Símbol Factor
yotta Y 1024
zetta Z 1021
exa E 1018
peta P 1015
tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
quilo k 103
hecto h 102
deca da 101
(cap) (cap)  1
deci d 10−1
centi c 10−2
mil·li m 10−3
micro μ 10−6
nano n 10−9
pico p 10−12
femto f 10−15
atto a 10−18
zepto z 10−21
yocto y 10−24

Units can have an prefix del SI like G before the unit: Gm, and giga before the name: gigameter. These are plain multiplication factors.

To illustrate, these are trivial calculations (from meter to meter), showing the multiplication factor:

  • 12 Gm (1,2×1010 m)
  • 12 µm (1,2×10−5 m)

The prefix can be added before the SI unit (here: unit m for meter):

  • {{convert|12|Gm|mi|abbr=on}} → 12 Gm (7.500.000 mi)
  • Mm: 12 Mm (7.500 mi)
  • km: 12 km (39.000 ft)
  • mm: 12 mm (0,47 in)
  • μm: 12 µm (0,012 mm)
  • um: 12 µm (0,012 mm) (letter "u" can be used for "μ" here)

The prefix can be used in the output unit:

  • {{convert|12000|mi|Mm|abbr=on}} → 12.000 mi (19 Mm)
  • {{convert|12|in|μm|abbr=on}} → 12 in (300.000 µm)

As an exception, the non-SI unit "inch" can have the "μ" prefix too)

  • {{convert|12|μm|μin|abbr=on}} → 12 µm (470 µin)
Per a més informació:

Notació d'enginyeria: 7 × 106 m

[modifica el codi]

En la unitat: e6m

[modifica el codi]

En la notació d'enginyeria like 7E6 (for 7 × 106) can be entered as a "prefix" to the unit:

{{convert|7|e6m}} → 7 milió metres (23.000.000 ft)

The same is possible for the output unit:

{{convert|23,000,000|ft|e6m}}[convert: %s]%s

Any standard unit (not a combination, multiple, or built-in unit) can have such a prefix:

e3 (thousand), e6 (million), e9 (billion), e12 (trillion), e15 (quadrillion).

Notació científica: 1,23×10−14

[modifica el codi]

En la notació científica, a number is written like 1,23×10−14.

With {{convert}}, the input can be in e-notation such as 12,3e4. This value is displayed as a power of ten, and the output is displayed in scientific notation, except that an output value satisfying 0,01 <= v < 1000 is shown as a normal number. In addition, if the output value is 1000 and sigfig=4 is used, the value is displayed as a normal number.

  • {{convert|12,3e-15|atm|atm|abbr=on}} → 12,3×10−15 atm (1,23×10−14 atm)
  • {{convert|0,00000005|atm|atm|abbr=on}} → 0,00000005 atm (5,0×10−8 atm)

Entrada amb fraccions: 1 12 polzades (38,1 mm)

[modifica el codi]

The number to convert can be written in fractions. Both / (keyboard slash) and (fraction slash) are accepted:

{{convert|1/2|in|mm|1}}12 polzada (12,7 mm)
{{convert|1⁄2|in|mm|1}}12 polzada (12,7 mm)

With integers, use a + sign

{{convert|2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}2 12 polzades (63,5 mm)

When negative, use a hyphen - and repeat it:

{{convert|-2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}}−2 12 polzades (−63,5 mm)
{{convert|2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}} → 2–12 polzada (50,8–12,7 mm) Note: this is read as a range
{{convert|-2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}[convert: %s]%s 2 Should be a number, not an expression (do not require a calculation)

Sortida amb barra horitzontal de fracció en: 1/2 polzada

[modifica el codi]

Using a double slash (//) returns a horizontal bar fraction:

  • {{convert|1//2|in|mm|1}}1/2 polzada (12,7 mm)
  • {{convert|2+1//2|in|mm|1}}2 1/2 polzades (63,5 mm)

Separador de milers: 1.000 mi i 1000 mi

[modifica el codi]

In input, a comma for thousands separator is accepted but not required; a gap (space) is not accepted. In output, by default, the thousand separator is the comma:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 metres (4.050.417 ft)
  • {{convert|1.234.567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 metres (4.050.417 ft)
  • {{convert|1 234 567|m|ft}}[convert: %s]%s 2

Set |comma=off to remove the separator from the output:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=off}} → 1234567 metres (4050417 ft)%s%s

Use |comma=gaps to use digit grouping by gap (thin space) as a thousands separator:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 metres (4.050.417 ft) (To compare, default)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps}}1234567 metres (4050417 ft)

Setting |comma=5 or |comma=gaps5 will only add the separator when the number of digits is 5 or more:

  • {{convert|1234|m|ft}} → 1.234 metres (4.049 ft) (To compare, default)
  • {{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1234 metres (4049 ft)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1.234.567 metres (4.050.417 ft)
  • {{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=gaps5}}1234 metres (4049 ft)%s%s
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps5}}1234567 metres (4050417 ft)%s%s

Manipulació de sortida

[modifica el codi]

Parèntesis i separadors: 10 m [33 ft]

[modifica el codi]

Punctuation that distinguishes the two measurements is set by |disp=.
Options are: b (the default), sqbr, comma, or, br, x|...:

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (33 ft)—( ) brackets are the default
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=sqbr}} → 10 metres [33 ft]
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=comma}} → 10 metres, 33 ft
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=or}} → 10 metres o 33 peus

Setting |disp=br will force a new line (<br>)

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br}} → 10 metres
33 peus

Also |disp=br() will force a new line, and keep the brackets:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br()}} → 10 metres
(33 peus)

Setting |disp=x|... allows any text as separator:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=x|_MyText_}} → 10 metres_MyText_33 ft—(To display spaces, use &nbsp;)

Flipping (reordenament) en dos mesures: 1.609,3 metres (1 milla)

[modifica el codi]

Setting |order=flip will flip (swap) the two measurements:

{{convert|1|mi|m}} → 1 milla (1.609,3 metres) (To compare, default)
{{convert|1|mi|m|order=flip}} → 1.609,3 metres (1 milla)

When converting to multiple units, the effect is:

{{convert|10|km|mi nmi|order=flip}} → 6,2137 milles; 5,3996 milles nàutiques (10 quilometres)
{{convert|10|km|nmi mi|order=flip}} → 5,3996 milles nàutiques; 6,2137 milles (10 quilometres)

Veient parts del resultat: 2 (1,5)

[modifica el codi]

It is possible to display only parts of the conversion result:

Convert Output Description
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3}} 2 iardes cúbiques (1,5 m3) Default, to compare
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=values}} 2 (1,5) Input and output numbers
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit}} iardes cúbiques Input unit
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit|adj=on}} iarda-cúbica Input unit, adjective (hyphenated)
{{convert|2|cuyd|cuyd|0|disp=out|abbr=off}} 2 iardes cúbiques Input (workaround)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=~}} 2 iardes cúbiques [cu yd] (1,5 m3) Input: both name and symbol
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2}} m3 Output unit (symbol)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2|abbr=off}} metres cúbics Output unit (name)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=number}} 1,5 Output value
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out}} 1,5 m3 Output value and unit
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out|abbr=off}} 1,5 metres cúbics Output value and unit

Visualització de noms d'entrada i de símbols: 2 quilopascals [kPa]

[modifica el codi]

Setting |abbr=~ returns both name and symbol of the first (input) unit:

{{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~}} → 2 quilopascals [kPa] (0,29 psi)
A {{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~|adj=on}} pressureA 2-quilopascal [kPa] (0,29 psi) pressure

Opcions de taula

[modifica el codi]

Per l'estructura de les wikitables, there are three options: add a line-break, split the result over columns and make the table sortable.

Salt de línia forçada

[modifica el codi]

|disp=br adds a line-break and omits brackets.

|disp=br() adds a line-break and does add brackets to the converted value. This may be useful in tables:

|disp=br |disp=br()
100 quilometres
62 milles
100 quilometres
(62 milles)

Les columnes de la taula només mostren números

[modifica el codi]

Using {convert} in a table cell, with |disp=table splits the result over two columns:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=table}} → style="text-align:right;"|10


|disp=tablecen does the same, and also centers the text:

{{convert|20|m|ft|disp=tablecen}} → style="text-align:center;"|20


The units are added as a column header:

  m ft
|disp=table 10 33
|disp=tablecen 20 66
|disp=<other> (default) 30 metres (98 ft)


[modifica el codi]

Use |sortable=on to include a hidden numerical sortkey in the output, suitable for use in a table with sortable columns. Technically, this places a hidden string before the actual displayed values:

{{convert|10|m|ft|sortable=on}}<span style="display:none">7001100000000000000</span>10 metres (33&nbsp;ft)

Use both |disp=table and |sortable=on together to produce table columns (pipe symbols) for each value in sortable columns:

m ft
A 15 34 52
B 155 509
C 160 520
D 16 52

The generated sortkey is calculated in a consistent way based on both the value and its unit as passed to the convert template. In most cases convert uses the passed value converted to SI base units. It is therefore not necessarily the displayed value or other alternate units and is calculated regardless of output format options. Using different units or different order of units in individual rows should therefore not lead to incorrect sorting, although variations in rounding can give surprising results, since an unrounded number is used for the sortkey.

See also: complete Convert/list of units
Units are case-sensitive: kW, not KW or kw

The table below lists units supported by template {{convert}}. The list is not complete—more complete lists are linked for each dimension. A complete list is at the full list of units.

The unit-code (column 3), is accepted as input by the template. These can be used as the second or third unnamed parameter. Some units have alternative codes; these are shown in brackets e.g. °F (F): either may be entered for Fahrenheit.

Column 7 lists standard combinations of multiple converted outputs. For example, {{convert|55|nmi|km mi}} produces "55 milles nàutiques (102 km; 63 mi)". Such a combination must be used as the third unnamed parameter.

Llista abreujada d'unitats suportades per {{Convert}}
sistema unitat unitat-
símbol o
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
the system(s) to which the unit belongs units listed by name unit-code to use in template symbols shown in output other notes about the units sample of the default conversion for the unit output codes for multiple conversions

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI megametre Mm Mm US spelling: megameter
10 Mm (6.200 mi)
quilometre km km US spelling: kilometer
10 km (6,2 mi)
  • km mi
metre m m US spelling: meter
10 m (33 ft)
  • m ft
  • m ftin
centimetre cm cm US spelling: centimeter
10 cm (3,9 in)
  • cm in
mil·limetre mm mm US spelling: millimeter
10 mm (0,39 in)
  • mm in
micrometre µm (um) µm US spelling: micrometer
10 µm (0,00039 in)
nanometre nm nm US spelling: nanometer
10 nm (3,9×10−7 in)
non-SI metric ångström Å
Å 10 Å (3,9×10−8 in)
US customary
milla mi mi 10 mi (16 km)
  • mi km
furlong furlong (none) 10 furlongs (6.600 ft; 2.000 m)
cadena chain (none) 10 cadenes (660 ft; 200 m)
rod rd rd For other names of this unit see the full list. 10 rd (160 ft; 50 m)
braça fathom (none) fathom ≡ 6 ft 10 braces (60 ft; 18 m)
iarda yd yd assumes the international definition 10 yd (9,1 m)
peu ft (foot) ft long code "foot" outputs foot (and never feet) 10 ft (3,0 m)
  • ftin (feet and inches)
  • ft m (foot m)
polzada in in 10 in (250 mm)
  • in cm
  • in mm
Other milla nàutica nmi nmi the international standard nautical mile
For other nautical miles see the full list.
10 nmi (19 km; 12 mi)
parsec pc pc 10 pc (33 ly)
any llum ly ly 10 ly (630.000 AU)
unitat astronòmica AU AU 10 AU (1,5×109 km; 930.000.000 mi)

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI metre qquilouadrat km2 km2 US spelling: square kilometer
10 km2 (3,9 sq mi)
  • km2 sqmi
metre quadrat m2 m2 US spelling: square meter
10 m2 (110 sq ft)
  • m2 sqft
metre qcentiuadrat cm2 cm2 US spelling: square centimeter
10 cm2 (1,6 sq in)
  • cm2 sqin
metre qmil·liuadrat mm2 mm2 US spelling: square millimeter
10 mm2 (0,016 sq in)
  • mm2 sqin
non-SI metric hectàrea ha ha 10 ha (25 acres)
US customary
milla quadrada sqmi sq mi 10 sq mi (26 km2)
  • sqmi km2
acre acre (none) 10 acres (4,0 ha)
iarda quadrada sqyd sq yd 10 sq yd (8,4 m2)
peu quadrat sqft
sq ft long code "sqfoot" outputs square foot (and never feet) 10 sq ft (0,93 m2)
  • sqft m2 (sqfoot m2)
polzada quadrada sqin sq in 10 sq in (65 cm2)
  • sqin cm2
Other milla nàutica quadrada sqnmi sq nmi 10 sq nmi (34 km2; 13 sq mi)
dunam dunam (none) For alternative spellings and definitions see the full list 10 dunams (0,010 km2; 0,0039 sq mi)
tsubo tsubo (none) 10 tsubo ([convert: %s]%s)

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI metre cúbic m3 m3 US spelling: cubic meter
one kilolitre
10 m3 (350 cu ft)
metre centicúbic cm3 cm3 US spelling: cubic centimeter
one millilitre
10 cm3 (0,61 cu in)
cc cc
metre mil·licúbic mm3 mm3 US spelling: cubic millimeter
10 mm3 (0,00061 cu in)
non-SI metric quilolitre kl kl US spelling: kiloliter
one cubic metre
10 kl (350 cu ft)
kL kL
litre l l US spelling: liter
one cubic decimetre
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 l (2,2 imp gal; 2,6 US gal)
  • l impgal
  • l USgal
  • l U.S.gal
  • l USdrygal
  • l U.S.drygal
  • L impgal
  • L impqt
  • L USgal
  • L U.S.gal
  • L USdrygal
  • L U.S.drygal
centilitre cl cl US spelling: centiliter
10 cl (3,5 imp fl oz; 3,4 US fl oz)
cL cL
mil·lilitre ml ml US spelling: milliliter
one cubic centimetre
10 ml (0,35 imp fl oz; 0,34 US fl oz)
  • ml impoz
  • ml USoz
  • ml U.S.oz
mL mL
  • mL impoz
  • mL USoz
  • mL U.S.oz
US customary
iarda cúbica cuyd cu yd 10 cu yd (7,6 m3)
peu cúbic cuft (cufoot) cu ft long code "cufoot" outputs cubic foot (and never feet) 10 cu ft (0,28 m3)
polzada cúbica cuin cu in 10 cu in (160 cm3)
Imperial barril imperial impbbl imp bbl 36 imp gal 10 imp bbl (1.600 l; 360 imp gal; 430 US gal)
bushel imperial impbsh imp bsh 8 imp gal 10 imp bsh (360 l; 80 imp gal; 83 US dry gal)
impbu imp bu
galó imperial impgal imp gal 4.54609 litres by definition, also
4 imp qt or 8 imp pt or 160 imp fl oz
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 imp gal (45 l; 12 US gal)
  • impgal l
  • impgal L
  • impgal USgal
  • impgal U.S.gal
  • impgal USdrygal
  • impgal U.S.drygal
imperial quart imperial impqt imp qt 1/4 imp gal or 40 imp fl oz 10 imp qt (11.000 ml; 380 US fl oz)
pinta imperial imppt imp pt 1/8 imp gal or 20 imp fl oz 10 imp pt (5,7 l)
unça de fluid imperial impoz (impfloz) imp fl oz 1/160 imp gal 10 imp fl oz (280 ml; 9,6 US fl oz)
  • impoz USoz
  • impoz U.S.oz
  • impoz ml
  • impoz mL
US customary
liquid measure
barril d'EUA USbbl US bbl 31½ US gal
used for liquids except for oil and beer (see the full list)
10 US bbl (1.200 l; 310 US gal; 260 imp gal)
U.S.bbl U.S. bbl
barril oilbbl bbl 42 US gal 10 bbl (1,6 m3)
barril de cervesa d'EUA USbeerbbl
US bbl 10 US bbl (1.200 l; 310 US gal; 260 imp gal)
U.S. bbl
galó d'EUA USgal US gal 231 cubic inches by definition, also
4 US qt or 8 US pt or 128 US fl oz
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 US gal (38 l; 8,3 imp gal)
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
U.S.gal U.S. gal
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
US quart d'EUA USqt US qt 1/4 US gal or 32 US fl oz 10 US qt (9.500 ml)
U.S.qt U.S. qt
pinta d'EUA USpt US pt 1/8 US gal or 16 US fl oz 10 US pt (4,7 l; 8,3 imp pt)
U.S.pt U.S. pt
unça fluida d'EUA USoz
US fl oz 1/128 US gal 10 US fl oz (300 ml)
  • USoz ml
  • USoz mL
  • USoz impoz
U.S. fl oz
  • U.S.oz ml
  • U.S.oz mL
  • U.S.oz impoz
US customary
dry measure
barril sec d'EUA USdrybbl US dry bbl 105/32 US bsh 10 US dry bbl (1,2 m3)
U.S.drybbl U.S. dry bbl
bushel d'EUA USbsh US bsh 2150.42 cubic inches by definition 10 US bsh (350 l; 80 US dry gal; 78 imp gal)
U.S.bsh U.S. bsh
bushel d'EUA USbu US bu 2150.42 cubic inches by definition 10 US bu (350 l; 80 US dry gal; 78 imp gal)
U.S.bu U.S. bu
galó sec d'EUA USdrygal US dry gal 1/8 US bsh
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 US dry gal (44 l)
  • USdrygal l
  • USdrygal L
  • USdrygal impgal
U.S.drygal U.S. dry gal
  • U.S.drygal l
  • U.S.drygal L
  • U.S.drygal impgal
quart sec d'EUA USdryqt US dry qt 1/32 US bsh 10 US dry qt (11.000 ml)
U.S.dryqt U.S. dry qt
pinta seca d'EUA USdrypt US dry pt 1/32 US bsh 10 US dry pt (5.500 ml)
U.S.drypt U.S. dry pt

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI metre per segon m/s m/s US spelling: meter per second
10 m/s (33 ft/s)
  • m/s ft/s (m/s foot/s)
non-SI metric quilòmetre per hora km/h km/h US spelling: kilometer per hour
10 km/h (6,2 mph)
  • km/h mph
US customary
milla per hora mph mph 10 mph (16 km/h)
  • mph km/h
  • mph kn
peu per segon ft/s (foot/s) ft/s long code "foot/s" outputs foot per second (and never feet) 10 ft/s (3,0 m/s)
  • ft/s m/s
Maritime units knot kn (knot) kn 10 kn (19 km/h; 12 mph)
  • kn mph

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI giganewton GN GN Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 GN (2,2×109 lbf)
  • GN LT-f
  • GN LTf
  • GN ST-f
  • GN STf
meganewton MN MN Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 MN (2.200.000 lbf)
  • MN LT-f
  • MN LTf
  • MN ST-f
  • MN STf
quilonewton kN kN Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 kN (2.200 lbf)
  • kN LT-f
  • kN LTf
  • kN ST-f
  • kN STf
newton N N 10 N (2,2 lbf)
  • N lb-f
  • N lbf
  • N oz-f
  • N ozf
mil·linewton mN mN 10 mN (0,036 ozf)
  • mN oz-f
  • mN ozf
  • mN gr-f
  • mN grf
micronewton µN (uN) µN 10 µN (0,016 grf)
  • µN gr-f
  • µN grf
nanonewton nN nN 10 nN (1,6×10−5 grf)
  • nN gr-f
  • nN grf
cgs megadina Mdyn Mdyn 10 Mdyn (22 lbf)
quilodines kdyn kdyn 10 kdyn (0,36 ozf)
dines dyn
dyn 10 dyn (0,16 grf)
mil·lidyne mdyn mdyn 10 mdyn (0,00016 grf)
Metric gravitational units tona-força t-f tf 10 tf (98 kN; 9,8 LTf; 11 STf)
tf tf
quilogram-força kg-f kgf 10 kgf (98 N; 22 lbf)
kgf kgf
gram-força g-f gf 10 gf (98 mN; 0,35 ozf)
gf gf
mil·ligram-força mg-f mgf 10 mgf (98 µN; 0,15 grf)
mgf mgf
Avoirdupois-based units poundal pdl pdl 10 pdl (1,4 N)
long tona-força LT-f LTf 10 LTf (100 kN)
  • LT-f ST-f
LTf long tona-força
  • LTf STf
short tona-força ST-f STf 10 STf (89 kN)
  • ST-f LT-f
STf short tona-força
  • STf LTf
lliura-força lb-f lbf 10 lbf (44 N)
lbf lbf
gra-força gr-f grf 10 grf (6.400 µN)
grf grf

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI gigajoule GJ GJ 10 GJ (2.800 kWh)
megajoule MJ MJ 10 MJ (2,8 kWh)
quilojoule kJ kJ 10 kJ (2.400 cal)
hectojoule hJ hJ 10 hJ (240 cal)
decajoule daJ daJ 10 daJ (24 cal)
joule J J 10 J (2,4 cal)
decijoule dJ dJ 10 dJ (0,24 cal)
centijoule cJ cJ 10 cJ (0,024 cal)
mil·lijoule mJ mJ 10 mJ (0,0024 cal)
microjoule µJ (uJ) µJ 10 µJ (2,4×10−6 cal)
nanojoule nJ nJ 10 nJ (2,4×10−9 cal)
cgs megaerg Merg Merg 10 Merg (1,0 J)
quiloerg kerg kerg 10 kerg (1,0 mJ)
erg erg (none) 10 erg (1,0 µJ)
Watt-hour multiples terawatt-hora TWh TWh 10 TWh (36 PJ)
TW.h TW·h
gigawatt-hora GWh GWh 10 GWh (36 TJ)
GW.h GW·h
megawatt-hora MWh MWh 10 MWh (36 GJ)
MW.h MW·h
quilowatt-hora kWh kWh 10 kWh (36 MJ)
kW.h kW·h
watt-hora Wh Wh 10 Wh (36 kJ)
W.h W·h
gigaelectronvolt GeV GeV 10 GeV (1,6 nJ)
megaelectronvolt MeV MeV 10 MeV (1,6 pJ)
quiloelectronvolt keV keV 10 keV (1,6 fJ)
electronvolt eV eV 10 eV (1,6 aJ)
mil·lielectronvolt meV meV 10 meV (1,6 zJ)
Calorie multiples caloria Cal Cal The thermo-chemical calorie is the default definition. For others, see the full list. 10 Cal (42 kJ)
megacaloria Mcal Mcal 10 Mcal (42 MJ)
quilocaloria kcal kcal 10 kcal (42 kJ)
caloria cal cal 10 cal (42 J)
mil·licaloria mcal mcal 10 mcal (42 mJ)
peu-poundal ftpdl ft·pdl 10 ft·pdl (0,42 J)
peu-lliura de força ftlbf ft·lbf 10 ft·lbf (14 J)
ftlb-f ft·lbf
polzada-lliura de força inlbf in·lbf 10 in·lbf (1.100 mJ)
inlb-f in·lbf
polzada-unça de força inozf in·ozf 10 in·ozf (71 mJ)
inoz-f in·ozf
cavall de vapor-hora hph hp·h 10 hp·h (7,5 kWh)
British thermal unit unitat tèrmica britànica Btu Btu The International Steam Table British thermal unit is used. For others, see the full list. 10 Btu (11 kJ)
TNT-based units gigatona de TNT GtTNT (none) 10 gigatones de TNT (42 EJ)
gigatona de TNT GtonTNT (none)
megatona de TNT MtTNT (none) 10 megatones de TNT (42 PJ)
megatona de TNT MtonTNT Mt
quilotona de TNT ktTNT (none) 10 quilotones de TNT (42 TJ)
quilotona de TNT ktonTNT kt
tona de TNT tTNT (none) 10 tones de TNT (42 GJ)
tona de TNT tonTNT (none)
Hartree Eh Eh 10 Eh (270 eV)
rydberg Ry Ry 10 Ry (140 eV)
tona d'equivalent de petroli toe toe 10 toe (420 GJ)
barril d'equivalent de petroli BOE BOE 10 BOE (61 GJ)
cubic foot of natural gas cuftnaturalgas (cufootnaturalgas) Unit-code cufootnaturalgas will show "cubic foot of natural gas" if plural. 10 peus cúbics de gas natural (11 MJ)
litre d'atmosfera latm l·atm 10 l·atm (1.000 J)
Latm L·atm
galó imperial d'atmosfera impgalatm imp gal·atm 10 imp gal·atm (4.600 J)
galó d'EUA d'atmosfera USgalatm
US gal·atm 10 US gal·atm (3.800 J)
U.S. gal·atm

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI K K K Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 K (−263,1 °C; −441,7 °F)
  • K °C (K C)
  • K °R (K R)
  • K °F (K F)
°C °C (C) °C 10 °C (50 °F)
  • °C K (C K)
  • °C °R (C R)
  • °C °F (C F)
US customary
°R °R (R) °R 10 °R (5,56 K; −449,67 °F; −267,59 °C)
  • °R K (R K)
  • °R °C (R C)
  • °R °F (R F)
°F °F (F) °F 10 °F (−12 °C)
  • °F K (F K)
  • °F °C (F C)
  • °F °R (F R)
Celsius change C-change Used for temperature intervals instead of actual temperatures
Example:  {{convert|5|C-change|0}} warmer
Result: 5 °C (9 °F) warmer
Fahrenheit change F-change Used for temperature intervals instead of actual temperatures
Example:  {{convert|10|F-change|0}} colder
Result: 10 °F (6 °C) colder

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI quilogram kg kg Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 kg (22 lb)
  • kg lb
  • kg st
gram g g 10 g (0,35 oz)
  • g oz
mil·ligram mg mg 10 mg (0,15 gr)
  • mg gr
microgram µg (ug) µg 10 µg (0,00015 gr)
non-SI metric tona t t Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 t (9,8 tones long; 11 tones short)
  • t LT
  • t ST
tona mètrica MT t
  • MT LT
  • MT ST
Avoirdupois tona long LT (none) 2,240 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth.
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 tones long (10 t)
  • LT t
  • LT MT
  • LT ST
long ton tona long
tona short ST (none) 2,000 lb
used mostly in the US.
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 tones short (9,1 t)
  • ST t
  • ST MT
  • ST LT
short ton tona short
stone st st 14 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth except Canada.
Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list.
10 st (140 lb; 64 kg)
  • st kg
  • st lb
lliura lb lb Permet unitats de sortida triples. Vegeu: full list. 10 lb (4,5 kg)
  • lb kg
  • lb st
unça oz oz 10 oz (280 g)
  • oz g
drachm drachm (none) 10 drachms (18 g)
drachm dram (none)
gra gr gr equivalent to the troy grain 10 gr (0,65 g)
Troy unça troy ozt ozt 10 ozt (11 oz; 310 g)
other carat carat (none) 10 carats (2,0 g)

(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
SI newton metre Nm N·m Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 10 N·m (7,4 lbf·ft)
  • Nm kg.m
  • Nm lb.ft
Non-SI metric quilogram metre kg.m kg·m 10 kg·m (98 N·m; 72 lb·ft)
  • kg.m Nm
  • kg.m lb.ft
US customary
lliura-peu de força lb.ft lb·ft 10 lb·ft (14 N·m)
  • lb.ft Nm
  • lb.ft kg-m
SI newton metre N.m N·m Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 10 N·m (7,4 lbf·ft)
  • N.m kgf.m
  • N.m lbf.ft
Non-SI metric quilogram-metre de força kgf.m kgf·m 10 kgf·m (98 N·m; 72 lbf·ft)
  • kgf.m N.m
  • kgf.m lbf.ft
US customary
lliura-peu de força lbf.ft lbf·ft 10 lbf·ft (14 N·m)
  • lbf.ft N.m
  • lbf.ft kgf.m
(Full list)
sistema unitat unitat-
notes conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
d'unitats de sortida
Metric quilogram per metre cúbic kg/m3 kg/m3 10 kg/m3 (17 lb/cu yd)
  • kg/m3 lb/ft3 (kg/m3 lb/cuft)
  • kg/m3 lb/yd3 (kg/m3 lb/cuyd)
gram per metre cúbic g/m3 g/m3 10 g/m3 (0,017 lb/cu yd)
  • g/m3 kg/m3
  • g/m3 lb/ft3 (g/cm3 lb/cuft)
  • g/m3 lb/yd3 (g/cm3 lb/cuyd)
US customary
lliura per peu cúbic lb/ft3 lb/cu ft 10 lb/cu ft (0,16 g/cm3)
  • lb/ft3 kg/m3 (lb/cu ft g/m3)
  • lb/ft3 g/m3 (lb/cu ft g/m3)
lliura per iarda cúbica lb/yd3 lb/cu yd 10 lb/cu yd (5,9 kg/m3)
  • lb/yd3 kg/m3 (lb/cuyd kg/m3)
  • lb/yd3 g/m3 (lb/cuyd g/m3)

unitat unitat-
conversió amb
l'exemple per defecte
gigapascal GPa GPa 10 GPa (1.500.000 psi)
megapascal MPa MPa 10 MPa (1.500 psi)
quilopascal kPa kPa 10 kPa (1,5 psi)
hectopascal hPa hPa 10 hPa (0,15 psi)
pascal Pa Pa 10 Pa (0,0015 psi)
mil·lipascal mPa mPa 10 mPa (1,5×10−6 psi)
mil·libar mbar mbar 10 mbar (10 hPa)
mb mb
decibar dbar dbar 10 dbar (100 kPa)
bar bar (none) 10 bar (1.000 kPa)
quilobària kBa kBa 10 kBa (10 hPa)
bària Ba Ba 10 Ba (1,0 Pa)
atmosfera estàndard atm atm 10 atm (1.000 kPa)
torr Torr Torr 10 Torr (1,3 kPa)
mil·límetre de mercuri mmHg mmHg 10 mmHg (1,3 kPa)
polzada de mercuri inHg inHg 10 inHg (34 kPa)
lliura per polzada quadrada psi psi 10 psi (69 kPa)
unitat unitat-
notes combinacions
kilometres per litre km/l (km/L) Use km/L to get "km/L"
  • km/l mpgimp
  • km/l mpgus
litres per 100 kilometres l/100 km (L/100 km) Use L/100 km to get "L/100 km"
  • l/100 km mpgimp
  • l/100 km mpgus
litres per kilometre l/km (L/km) Use L/km to get "L/km"
  • l/km impgal/mi
  • l/km usgal/mi
miles per imperial gallon mpgimp
  • mpgimp mpgus
miles per US gallon mpgus (mpgUS, mpgU.S.) Use mpgUS to get "US"

Use mpgU.S. to get "U.S."
mpgus will give "U.S." if spelling is
set to US & "US" otherwise

  • mpgus mpgimp
imperial gallons per mile impgal/mi
  • impgal/mi
US gallons per mile usgal/mi (USgal/mi, U.S.gal/mi) As above with the us vs US vs U.S.
  • usgal/mi
The mpgUS, mpgU.S., USgal/mi vs U.S.gal/mi, km/L, L/100 km and L/km variants work within combinations also (making 36 combinations in total).
Watts, kilowatts, milliwatts, etc. are supported. As is horsepower (English & metric). Use standard abbreviations as input code (lowercase hp for horsepower, for example)
unitat unitat-
notes combinacions
inhabitants per square kilometre PD/sqkm PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqkm PD/sqmi
per square kilometre /sqkm Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqkm /sqmi
inhabitants per hectare PD/ha
  • PD/ha PD/acre
per hectare /ha
  • /ha /acre
inhabitants per square mile PD/sqmi PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqmi PD/sqkm
per square mile /sqmi Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqmi /sqkm
inhabitants per acre PD/acre
  • PD/acre PD/ha
per acre /acre
  • /acre /ha
unitat unitat-
notes combinacions
dollars per pound $/lb "$" can mean US$, HK$, etc.
  • (none)
dollars per kilogram $/kg
  • (none)
dollars per troy ounce $/ozt 12 troy ounces in 1 troy pound
  • (none)

Unitats múltiples: 1 ft 5 in

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En l'entrada

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Base document #Input multiples lists options for multiple unit input (like ft,in). It can catch predefined sets only (units that can be subdivided, e.g. yd into ft):

  • {{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}} → 1 iarda 2 peus 3 polzades (1,60 m)
  • {{convert|2|ft|3|in|cm}} → 2 peus 3 polzades (69 cm)
  • {{convert|1|lb|5|oz|g}} → 1 lliura 5 unces (600 g)

En la sortida

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Available multiple-unit output options predefined, like ftin and ydftin. The full list is at #Output multiples.

  • {{convert|2|m|ftin}} → 2 metres (6 ft 7 in)
  • {{convert|2|m|ft in}} → 2 metres (6,6 ft; 79 in)—using a space, returns the decimal point
  • {{convert|2|m}} → 2 metres (6 ft 7 in)—the default
See also
  • {{hands}} a length used to measure horses.

'per' unitats: kg/hl

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When using a slash (/), a unit like kg/hl is recognized as kilograms per hectolitre and will be converted with other mass/volume units.

  • {{convert|1000|kg/hl}} → 1.000 quilograms per hectolitre ([convert: %s]%s)

Moneda per unitat: $/mi, $/km

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Using currency symbols in a $ per unit value, you can convert the per-unit:

  • {{convert|10|$/mi|$/km}} → $10 per milla ($6,2/km) 1
You can set the unit in both values using |$=€:
  • {{convert|10|$/mi|$/km|$=€}} → €10 per milla (€6,2/km)

You can not convert the currency. This outcome combination is not possible: $15 per mile (€8.6/km)

Llista de paràmetres

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Parameter options for {{convert}}
Option =.. Description Note
|abbr=in Use symbol for first (left-hand side) unit Symbol ('abbreviation')
|abbr=off Use name for all units Symbol ('abbreviation')
|abbr=on Use symbol for all units Symbol ('abbreviation')
|abbr=out Use symbol for right-hand side unit (default) Symbol ('abbreviation')
|abbr=values Show only input and output numbers, not units Parts only
|abbr=~ Shows both unit name and symbol Symbol & name
|adj=j Join number and unit name using "&nbsp;" instead of a space Join values
|adj=mid|x=... User-specified text after the input unit; sets adj=on (adjective) Word adding, adjective
|adj=on Unit name is adjective (singular and hyphenated) Grammar, adjective
|adj=pre|x=... User-specified text before input unit Word adding
|adj=ri0 Round input with precision 0 Rounding and sigfig
|adj=ri1 Round input with precision 1 Rounding and sigfig
|adj=ri2 Round input with precision 2 Rounding and sigfig
|adj=ri3 Round input with precision 3 Rounding and sigfig
|disp=b Join input and output using " (...)" (default) Join values
|disp=sqbr Join input and output using " [...]" Join values
|disp=br Join input and output using "<br/>" Join values
|disp=comma Join input and output using ", " Join values
|disp=or Join input and output using " or " Join values
|disp=number Display output number only Parts only
|disp=output number only
|disp=out Display only output number and name/symbol Parts only
|disp=output only
|disp=preunit|x=... User-specified text before input and output units Word adding
|disp=table Output is suitable for a table cell with align="right" Table columns
|disp=tablecen Output is suitable for a table cell with align="center" Table columns
|disp=unit Display input name/symbol only ( not input number, not output) Parts only
|disp=unit2 Display output name/symbol only (not input; not output number) Parts only
|disp=x|... Join input and output using user-specified text Word adding
|comma=5 Only use comma for thousands separator if 5 or more digits Number format
|comma=gaps Use gaps (space), not comma, for thousands separator Number format
|comma=gaps5 Use gaps (space), but only if 5 or more digits Number format
|comma=off No thousands separator Number format
|frac=N Show imperial number in fractions, denominator=N Number format, fraction
|lk=in Link left-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
|lk=on Link all unit names or symbols (but not twice for the same unit) Unit link
|lk=out Link right-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
|order=flip Inverts order of input, output measurements (conversion first) Order
|round=5 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 5 Rounding and sigfig
|round=25 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 25 Rounding and sigfig
|round=each In a range, each number is rounded by the default rounding Rounding and sigfig
|sigfig=N Round output number to N significant figures (N is a positive integer) Rounding and sigfig
|sortable=in Output numeric hidden sort field for use in a sortable table (based on input) Table sort
|sortable=out Output numeric hidden sort field for use in a sortable table (based on output) Table sort
|sp=us Use U.S. spelling (like "meter" instead of default "metre") Spelling U.S. names
|spell=in Spell input number in words Spelling numbers
|spell=In Spell input number in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
|spell=on Spell input and output numbers in words Spelling numbers
|spell=On Spell input and output numbers in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
|$= Replace $-sign with a currency sign, for example in $/acre (no currency conversion happens) Cost per unit
|debug=yes Debugging only. In a sortable table: show the normally hidden sort key Table sort
|abbr=comma Deprecated. Use |comma=off Number format
|abbr=mos Deprecated. Use |x| or |by| Range format
|adj=1 Deprecated. Do not use. No need to deviate from MOS regarding plurals Plural or singular
|adj=flip Deprecated. Use |order=flip Order
|adj=nocomma Deprecated. Use |comma=off Number format
|disp=2 Deprecated. Use |disp=output only Parts only
|disp=5 Deprecated. Use |round=5 Rounding and sigfig
|disp=flip Deprecated. Use |order=flip Order
|disp=flip5 Deprecated. Use |order=flip |round=5 Order, rounding
|disp=nocomma Deprecated. Use |comma=off Number format
|disp=u2 Deprecated. Use |disp=unit2 Parts only
|near=5 Deprecated. Use |round=5 Rounding and sigfig


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Aquesta és la documentació dels paràmetres de la plantilla utilitzada pel nou editor visual.


Converts measurements to other units.

Paràmetres de la plantilla[Edita les dades de la plantilla]


the value to convert

from unit2

to units3

the unit to convert into

precision or suffix4

significant digits after decimal dot or, if negative, exponent of ten

link unitslk

“on” all, “in” input, “out” output or “off” no units

Per defecte

display for the units: “on” unit symbols, “off” all unit names in full words, “in” input unit symbol, “out” abbreviated output units, “values” no units at all

Per defecte

“us” display U.S. spelling of unit names


adjective form (singular unit name appended by hyphen) “on” or “mid” to put conversion at end


display conversion result: “or” after ‘or’, “x” with custom prefix and suffix, “b” in parentheses, “table”/“tablecen”, “output only” alone, “output number only” alone and without unit, “unit” not at all but input unit; if the value is a number it is used as precision

Per defecte

“flip” returns converted value first, input value second.

significant figuressigfig

number that sets the number of significant figures

rounding outputround

“5” rounds the output number to nearest multiple of 5, “25” to nearest multiple of 25, “each” rounds each number in a range

thousands separatorcomma

Sets or suppresses thousand separator in the numbers. “off” = no separator; “gaps”: use space not comma; “5” and “gaps5”: only add separator when number > 5 positions (10,000 or more)

Per defecte
sort keysortable

“on” generates a hidden sort key


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