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Creeu la pàgina «It Is Me Here» en aquest wiki!Vegeu també els resultats de cerca que s'han trobat.
- then goes into it, deserves all the consequences. Un cop vas ser salvatge, no et deixis domesticar. (en anglès) You were once wild here. Don't let them...3 Ko (294 paraules) - 23:24, 11 gen 2023
- aquest gran «però» el que compta— no és impossible. (en anglès) It is most unlikely. But - here comes the big 'but' - not impossible. No és pas la brutícia...2 Ko (237 paraules) - 20:30, 11 abr 2022
- Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor. Here is the Sword that was broken and is forged again! Will you aid me or thwart me? Choose swiftly! — Àragorn Certament...4 Ko (549 paraules) - 15:21, 23 oct 2022
- anglès) The blood jet is poetry and there is no stopping it. Fes-me un petó i veuràs com sóc d'important. (en anglès) Kiss me and you will see how important...3 Ko (317 paraules) - 11:24, 12 maig 2024
- ridícul que absolutament avorrit. (en anglès) Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring...8 Ko (783 paraules) - 15:42, 23 oct 2022
- loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure...5 Ko (728 paraules) - 11:30, 23 juny 2024
- will be no withdrawal and no surrender. If we can't stay here alive, then let us stay here dead! Discurs al 8è exèrcit en prendre el seu comandament...3 Ko (346 paraules) - 01:14, 18 ago 2023
- obrar fins llavors. (en anglès) The first duty of man is to conquer fear; he must get rid of it, he cannot act till then. El que som depèn del que hem...7 Ko (719 paraules) - 14:59, 23 oct 2022
- desodorant: esborra totes les pudors del teu passat. (en anglès) Success is a great deodorant. It takes away all your past smells. — Elizabeth Taylor Sense biblioteques...5 Ko (556 paraules) - 01:44, 21 maig 2023
- lluny. (en anglès) A scab is something you have to put up with until the time comes when you can pick it off and flick it away. La lectora de llibres...7 Ko (976 paraules) - 11:47, 23 juny 2024
- resist it. He sigut rica i he sigut pobre. Creu-me, ésser rica és millor. (en anglès) I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, rich is better....4 Ko (428 paraules) - 23:33, 11 gen 2023
- anglès) The greatest university of all is a collection of books. "The Hero as Man of Letters". On Heroes and Hero Worship, and The Heroic in History, 1841...12 Ko (1.182 paraules) - 11:10, 29 març 2024
- anglès) Without the notion of a law-maker, it is impossible to have a notion of a law, and an obligation to observe it. Assaig sobre l'enteniment humà. Llibre...3 Ko (370 paraules) - 22:08, 13 gen 2020
- and should not be separated. Science, for me, gives a partial explanation of life. In so far as it goes, it is based on fact, experience, and experiment...8 Ko (1.061 paraules) - 18:45, 26 des 2019
- Això no va passar ni mai passarà. Ni avui, ni demà, ni mai. (en anglès) And here we stand, just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to...4 Ko (586 paraules) - 23:04, 1 feb 2021
- canviar-la cada sis mesos. (en anglès) Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. Quan els fets són la primera...10 Ko (1.047 paraules) - 03:05, 2 des 2022
- (en anglès) Is Hollywood racist? You're damn right Hollywood is racist. But it ain't that racist that you've grown accustomed to. Hollywood is sorority racist...3 Ko (299 paraules) - 12:27, 25 maig 2024
- don't claim that God doesn't exist. God is the name people give to the reason we are here. But I think that reason is the laws of physics rather than someone...5 Ko (699 paraules) - 18:48, 18 des 2021
- that say they're here to help, why them say you cannot smoke the herb? Herb... herb is a plant, you know? And when me check it, me can't find no reason...5 Ko (630 paraules) - 22:06, 12 maig 2023
- estan molt contentes de deixar-ho així. (en anglès) The problem, as I see it, is that you've been told and not told. You've been told, but none of you really...4 Ko (576 paraules) - 11:57, 7 des 2019